Ideal for normal to dry skin, CeraVe’s best-selling PM Facial Moisturising Lotion with Ceramides is an ultra-lightweight moisturiser that keeps the complexion hydrated for up to 24 hours.
Featuring three types of ceramides and hyaluronic acid, the formula visibly nourishes the skin, locking-in moisture and protecting against dryness. The cooling hydration is perfect for sensitive skin types, and the non-comedogenic benefits make it suitable for those who are blemish-prone.
All CeraVe products have been Developed with Dermatologists.
95% of UK Dermatologists recommend CeraVe*
Locks in moisture, providing continuous hydration for up to 24 hours.
Use after preparing your skin with your cleanser, toner & serum, apply liberally to the face and neck at night.
Unlock the pump for first time use by twisting it to the left and pressing down several times until the product comes out.
Note: You may actually have to press down on the pump as many as 10-20 times to initially begin dispensing lotion.
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