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What is it?

Gluconolactone is a naturally occurring poly-hydroxy acid (PHA) that’s commonly found in creams, serums, sunscreens, and exfoliating products. It’s sometimes listed as gluconic acid in ingredient lists on skincare products.

Gluconolactone and other PHAs have a larger molecular structure than AHAs and BHAs. Because of its larger chemical structure, gluconolactone doesn’t penetrate past the first layers of skin, meaning it’s gentler on the skin for those with sensitive skin.

Benefits for your skin?

Almost all skin types can handle gluconolactone as it’s a gentle exfoliant. Similar to other exfoliants, this one too dissolves the dry, dead layer from the top of your skin, leaving you with improved skin texture and tone.

Gluconolactone attracts water to the skin. It draws this water from the deeper layers of the skin as well as the environment. It also ensures the moisture stays locked in and doesn’t flow out, making it much gentler on the skin. If your skin is sensitive to AHAs, you can easily swap them out with the ingredient

How to use in your skincare routine?

You’ll want to use gluconolactone one or twice a week, see how your skin tolerates it, and then increase frequency as needed. Depending on the type of product and the concentration of gluconolactone used in the formula, you may even be able to use the ingredient daily—either in the morning, at night, or both.

You’ll have no problem pairing gluconolactone with a few skincare staples such as retinoids, AHAs, BHAs and vitamin C. It’s a superb element for an overall anti-aging regimen.

Original price was: £76.00.Current price is: £60.80.
Original price was: £34.00.Current price is: £28.90.
Original price was: £55.00.Current price is: £46.75.
Original price was: £96.00.Current price is: £72.00.
Original price was: £53.00.Current price is: £42.40.
Original price was: £38.00.Current price is: £30.40.
Original price was: £67.00.Current price is: £50.25.
Original price was: £61.00.Current price is: £45.75.