Advanced Nutrition Programme Immunity Intelligence has been skillfully developed by our Nutritional Experts to take the guesswork out of immune support. Pristinely packaged in convenient, tear-off packs, each pod features intelligent ingredients to support overall wellbeing of the body, mind and skin to deliver daily:
Two doses of Colostrum-C: these capsules contain Colostrum which naturally contains immunoglobulins (IgG) antibodies – these are very important for our body. Advanced Nutrition Programme™ nutritionists have synergised colostrum with vitamin C for immune support.
One dose of Skin Vit C: this tablet fuses vitamin C with citrus bioflavonoids to support immune system and skin
One dose of Skin Vitality 1: this multivitamin tablet is packed with over 25 vitamins and minerals including immune-supporting vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, folate, zinc, iron, selenium as well as plant nutrients including bilberries.
One dose of Skin Vit A+: this capsule effectively synergises together vitamin A with vitamin D. These multi-tasking ingredients provide support for the immune system*, mucous membranes, skin, vision, bones, teeth and muscles. Additionally, they partner to help bolster normal blood calcium levels and normal iron metabolism.
Excellent for anyone looking for overall wellbeing support with nine ingredients focused on helping immune support.
Synergistic support for the immune system
Supports maintenance of normal mucous membranes
Counteracts signs of tiredness and fatigue
Helps cognitive and mental performance
Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D, folate, iron, selenium and zinc help to support the immune system
Vitamin A contributes to the maintenance of normal mucous membranes
Vitamin B6, B12, Riboflavin (B2), Pantothenic acid (B5), Niacin (B3), Folate help the reduction of tiredness and fatigue
Pantothenic acid (B5) contributes to normal mental performance
Take a wellbeing pod (3 capsules and 2 tablets) daily with food or as your health professional advises.
This product should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.
Do not exceed the stated recommended daily intake.
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