Sculpta by Déesse PRO harnesses the power of combined energies; red light therapy (LED) 630nm, radio frequency (RF) 4MHz and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) 4000Hz.
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Introducing Sculpta by Déesse PRO’s powerful TriGen technology, the combined application of 3 powerful in-clinic energies to promote total skin rejuvenation: Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS), Radio Frequency (RF), and Red Light Therapy (LED).
Helps reduce sebum production
EMS activates facial muscles, toning and lifting them, while RF stimulates collagen and elastin production, aiding skin tightening and reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Red light therapy penetrates deeper, enhancing cellular function, promoting skin repair, and reducing inflammation while stimulating the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.
Sculpta by Déesse PRO harnesses the power of combined energies; red light therapy (LED) 630nm, radio frequency (RF) 4MHz and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) 4000Hz.
Electrical muscle stimulation. Stronger than microcurrent but operating with the same scientific principles, EMS stimulates deeper muscle contractions within the dermis of the skin increasing blood flow to promote lifting, tightening and sculpting. Like a workout for your facial muscles, or an at-home facelift!
Radio frequency. Non-ablative professional-grade therapy for the treatment of slackening skin (including neck and jowls), wrinkles and to promote skin tightening. Bipolar RF uses safe levels of low frequency electromagnetic waves to superficially heat the dermis tissue to 45-50°C and promote the production of collagen.
Clinically proven to increase the production of collagen and elastin, red LED light therapy (630nm) stimulates biochemical processes within the skin to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin texture and increase hydration.
Use circular, upward motions from the centre of the face to stimulate contraction of facial muscles. Follow the direction of the lift result you desire. Work up in power to train and sculpt muscles.
Mode 3 and 4 (LED & RF – massage head):
Use small circular motions across the entire face, focussing on areas of deeper set lines or wrinkles.
Mode 5 and 6 (EMS – 3D roller head):
Move across muscles in jawline, cheekbone or brow in an upwards, lifting motion to contract the muscles. Follow the direction of the lift result you desire. Work up in power to train and sculpt muscles. Do not move in downward motion.
In order to work, Sculpta by Déesse PRO must be used with a water based conductive gel, serum, moisturiser or any basic ultrasound conductor gel. You can use with your favourite water-based skincare products, but they must allow sufficient slip on the skin. If in doubt, apply more product to ensure efficient conduction of electrical current.
When using a mode with RF, consistent warming of skin will occur. When using a mode with EMS, intermittent contraction of muscles will occur. If you can’t feel this sensation, ensure you have applied a generous amount of a water-based conductive gel, serum or moisturiser to the skin.
Sculpta by Déesse PRO must be used with a water-based conductor that allows for the device to glide over the skin. We suggest using with your favourite water-based skincare serums or gels (e.g hyaluronic acid serum) to aid their efficacy, or a basic ultrasound gel.
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