The best-selling Tensage Serum from Endocare now features even better antioxidant protection to deliver enhanced anti-aging benefits for the skin.
Alongside a generous amount of SCA BioRepair Technology and active ingredients including Vitamins C, E and CoEnzyme Q10, this new and improved formula also contains powerful super-antioxidant Superoxide Dismutase to tackle aggressive oxygen molecules that can damage the skin on a daily basis. Not only that, but this serum contains natural skin soother Mimosa Leaf Extract to limit inflammation and sensitivity alongside brightening Niacinamide and hydrating Hyaluronic Acid, creating a smoother and more youthful looking complexion over time.
Suitable for all skin types, especially prematurely ageing or sun damaged skin, massage a small amount into cleansed skin every evening for best results.
ndocare comes from skincare innovators Cantabria Labs. Endocare’s main focus is to retexture and firm your skin. In doing so, it effectively decreases fine lines and wrinkles. Their patented technologies are truly remarkable, making them a revolutionary powerhouse when it comes to anti-aging skincare.
Endocare products utilise patented technologies and key active ingredients that act even in the deepest layers of the skin.
The brand has been scientifically proven, with over 20 years of clinical research. Product results have extensive scientific support, with various studies published in leading international medical journals.
The range of products effectively repairs skin and stimulates cell activity, promoting firmness and elasticity. Furthermore, patented anti-pollution technology prevents and repairs damage caused by environmental stress factors. As well as this, further patented technology activates stem cells to stimulate the production of new skin cells.
Prevent and visibly reduce skin ageing with long-lasting results.
Apply to cleansed skin every evening for best results.
Can also be used in the morning if required.
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