This biotech-engineered weightless oil works on all hair types to strengthen, repair damage, reduce frizz at two levels of the hair fiber, and improve shine. Clinically proven damage repair, 24-HR frizz control, 104% more shine, 104% more shine, 450°F (232°C) heat.
Apply to damp, towel-dried hair before styling, or on dry hair as a finisher. Highly concentrated formula. Start with 1-3 drops and build as needed.
Use on damp hair for: strengthening benefits and to reduce frizz during air-dry or styling.
Use on dry hair to: smooth frizz and flyaways, as a finisher to add shine. Apply to damp hair from mid-lengths to ends.
For strengthening benefits from the K18PEPTIDE™ wait 4 minutes before styling. Apply to dry hair as a finisher.
Pro Tip - Got the K18 molecular repair mask? Use the mask first on clean, damp hair, then wait 4 minutes. Apply the molecular repair hair oil, and wait 4 minutes for maximum strengthening results.
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