Maskology Niacinamide – Professional Facial Sheet Mask
Best known for use as an acne treatment, niacinamide derived from Cassava Root soothes the skin, reduces redness, minimises the appearance of pores, protects against sun damage, and regulates oil levels to treat and reduce blemishes
Effective blemish control
The niacinamide professional sheet mask is infused with restoring ingredients that help to promote a healthy, glowing complexion in just 15 minutes. The anti-ageing formula helps to heal blemishes and break down dead cells for visibly healthier looking skin.
Naturally nourishing
Enriched with chia seed and essential vitamins and antioxidants, the naturally nourishing ingredients help to improve dryness, rebalance oily areas and reduce the visible signs of ageing.
Professional facial sheet mask – promotes a healthy complexion
Blemish control – helps heal blemishes and break down dead cells
Anti-ageing formula – helps improve the visible signs of ageing
Biodegradable – eco-friendly and sustainable
15-minute treatment – offers quick and effective results
!00% plant-based ingredients – vegan and naturally nourishing
Step 1 - Ensure all makeup is removed and cleanse the skin
Step 2 - Remove the mask from the packaging and carefully unfold
Step 3 - Place on the face and smooth for good coverage
Step 4 - Leave for 15-20 minutes and remove
Step 5 - Massage excess serum into the neck and décolletage
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