This kit features full-sized products of the following
LCA fx110 – Gentle Cleanser – 180ml
DNA fx221 – Recovery Serum – 50ml
LCA fx140 – Barrier Restore Complexe – 50ml
Start with gently cleansed skin. Follow up with the adaptive DNA Recovery Serum to repair enzymes deep in your skin and further increase collagen production. Finish your routine with the Barrier Restore Complexe with essential nutrients based on your personal needs to strengthen, lock in moisture and repair skin’s barrier function (yes, you need this).
Can be used with our UNVEILED LED mask or on its own. To boost your routine, use your PRIORI UNVEILED mask directly after cleansing and applying the DNA Recovery Serum. Apply the Barrier Restore to your skin after using the mask. Hello smoother, softer, newer skin.
Step One – Cleanse your skin with Gentle Cleanser
Step Two – Apply Recovery Serum
Step Three – Follow up with Barrier Restore Complexe
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