Award-winning RevitaLash® Cosmetics Volumizing Primer in Indigo Blue and Volumizing Mascara in Black come together in this convenient, 2-in-1 lash primer and mascara duo designed to prep lashes and enhance volume, creating gorgeous, richly pigmented, luxurious lashes. Ideal for travelling and saving space in a crowded make-up bag, this duo ensures lashes look full and fluttery while being cared for with every application.
The Double Ended Volume Set is water-resistant, not waterproof. We prefer to stay away from waterproof cosmetics, as the removal process can damage brows and lashes.
Suitable for all skin types, apply one or two coats of the Volumizing Primer onto clean eyelashes before applying the Volumizing Mascara.
(We recommend you change your mascara every 3 months for hygiene purposes)
PREP: Remove any residual makeup with companion product Micellar Water Lash Wash to bare lashes and let dry completely.
STEP 1: Apply Volumizing Primer to bare lashes beginning at the base of the eyelash, twirling upward and outward.
STEP 2: Using the same application technique, apply Volumizing Mascara.
STEP 3: Layer to build length and volume, ensuring product stays wet as you build.
Note: For a natural look apply one coat of Volumizing Primer and immediately follow with your favourite Volumizing Mascara while Volumizing Primer is still wet. For a more dramatic look apply two coats of Volumizing Primer, allowing it to dry between coats, then apply one to two coats of Volumizing Mascara.
Remove with soap and water or eye makeup remover.
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