Skinade is the next generation in skincare! Working from the inside out, Skinade gives you ‘better skin from within’ and is taken orally, rather than applied topically as with most skincare products.
The Travel Course contains exactly the same nutrient levels as Skinade, but comes in handy 15ml sachets that are ideal for hand luggage. You just need to mix the sachet with water for best results.
The multi-award winning formula boosts the body’s natural production of collagen and hyaluronic acid by providing the perfect balance of active ingredients in a rapidly absorbing formula – making it the most effective bio-available anti-ageing skincare supplement on the market.
The liquid formula has been developed by leading UK scientists to deliver only high quality nutrients to help you achieve clearer, more radiant-looking skin. Containing high-grade marine collagen (from freshwater fish), Skinade is naturally flavoured with peach and mangosteen and has no artificial flavours or colourings with less than 35 calories per serving.
For many years skin saving health supplements have always been in capsule form – until now. Skinade is a collagen and micro-nutrient infused drink that is designed to boost the skin’s natural collagen and Hyaluronic Acid production from the inside while gradually retraining the body to make collagen at a faster, more youthful rate.
Developed by leading UK scientists, Skinade works by using hydrolysed collagen and high quality vitamins to rebuild, strengthen and support the body’s collagen matrix that resides just below the surface of the skin. One bottle a day significantly boosts the skin’s hydration levels to help plump fine lines and wrinkles, reignite skin’s natural radiance and firm lacklustre areas to create a more youthful looking complexion. Flavoured with natural peach and mangosteen extracts, Skinade has a pleasant taste that makes it an enjoyable addition to your daily routine.
After a few days the skin begins to look brighter and feel softer, after a few weeks it feels firmer and looks smoother, with these results continuing to improve for as long as you stay committed to Skinade.
This impressive anti-aging drink is also available in powder form, making it great for holidays and frequent travellers. It contains the same high quality ingredients and is just simply mixed with water to create the same collagen-boosting drink your skin is used to.
Ideal for men and women, Skinade uses no artificial colours or flavourings and contains less than 35 calories per bottle. It is also free of gluten, dairy and lactose, making it perfect for everyone.
Stir the contents of the sachet into half a glass of cold water and drink.
Skinade does not have to be stored in the fridge, but it tastes better chilled
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